Monday 20 July 2015

Travel Insurance Guide for People with High Blood Pressure

If you travel with high blood pressure, it is important that you disclose the medical condition to your insurer. Many people fail to disclose high blood pressure, simply because they were unaware of the requirement to do so. Failure to do so is likely to invalidate the insurance policy.

Around a third of adults in the UK has high blood pressure, or is undergoing treatment to control it. The high number of people with high blood pressure gives people the false impression that it’s exempt from disclosure. This makes sense because it’s such a routine occurrence, that many of us pay it little mind.

However, if you have high blood pressure, you must always disclose it to your insurer. Obtain proof of your disclosure too; if they acknowledge it verbally, you need to obtain written proof.

Travelling with High Blood Pressure: Staying Safe

It’s important that you take extra care of your blood pressure while on holiday. It can be easy to let go and forget about it, but you need to make adequate preparations and have processes in the event of a problem. Here are our tips:

1.Pack more than enough medicine: if you lose a packet, or if you’re stuck in the country for longer than expected, you will need additional supplies.

2.Place medicine in your hand luggage and your main luggage: luggage can go missing at airports. It’s not uncommon to arrive in Spain and find your bag flew off to California. By spreading the medicine between bags, you will ensure that you have some with you should a bag go missing.

3.Write a brief synopsis of your medical history: take details of the medicine your taking (its pharmaceutical name, not the generic name), your doctor's name, any procedures you’ve had, recent changes to medicine, etc. Give a copy to the people you're travelling with so that they have it to hand if required. If travelling alone, use a medical necklace or bracelet stating that you have high blood pressure.

4.Buy specialist travel insurance for high blood pressure. This insurance will offer you the most comprehensive and safest level of cover for your needs. The insurer will also be able to provide you with further tips and advice.

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Friday 17 July 2015

Remember, Travel Cover Is For Loss And Medical Treatment

People travel wide and far these days and are increasingly participating in risky sports.  It is surprising, therefore, that many people still go abroad without taking out private travel insurance.

There is a bewildering choice in cover if you should look on the internet, and that may be one of the reasons that travellers avoid taking out cover.  It is false economy not take out insurance as an accident can happen any time anywhere.  It need not even be your fault, but you still may end up in hospital.

Some sites have made it really easy to find the right cover for your particular holiday.  Some insurers even point out that if you cannot afford to buy cover, how can you possibly afford your trip?

If you go to risky places you will need to ensure that you buy cover for every eventuality.  If you are going on group travel, you will be able to buy insurance for everyone involved.  If you are going overseas, it might be worth your while to make sure that all medical expenses, luggage, sports and activities are adequately insured.

In developing countries where care may be poor, you would do well to make sure that you buy a policy that gives you round the clock emergency assistance.  It may cost a little more for add-ons, but at least you can go on holiday with no worries to enjoy yourself.

I do not think there are many people with medical problems who would not want to be insured.  Cover for people such as these is also available, albeit not always on a multi trip basis.  It all depends how well your condition is managed.

If you should find that you would like to extend your trip abroad whilst you are already there, there is often a facility to extend your cover online.  If you are in a medical assistance situation, you can also claim online with some insurers.

You need to know that some insurance companies will pay you back on receipt of bills.

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Thursday 16 July 2015

You Can Go Travelling With A Heart Condition!

Travel cover is always important, but never more so when you are recovering from a medical condition.  You would certainly try and get travel insurance after heart attack, for instance.

You may have to search a little longer on the internet, but you need to know that insurance for pre-existing conditions is available to you.

You should not be surprised if your insurance is going to be a little more expensive as from the insurance company’s standpoint, you are more likely to need assistance than someone who is fit and healthy.

Cover is surprisingly cheap if you look online.  You may only be able to get away for a week at a time, but a break is always beneficial to anyone’s health.  When you have found an insurer, you will see that you will have to answer some pretty searching questions about your current health.

It is absolutely important that you should answer these truthfully.  It is never worth the risk to lower your premium by withholding some information.  It may cost you dearly if you fall ill and end up in hospital.  You may find that your insurance policy will be invalid and you will then have to pay for your treatment out of your own pocket.

The best way to get the most advantageous cover is to do you research properly and compare prices between the different companies.  There are some countries where medical care is very expensive.

If you want to travel to any of them you may find cover very high.  These countries tend to be the United States and the Caribbean.  If you should go to Turkey, however, you may find a cheaper policy.

Medical care in the latter country is good and relatively inexpensive.  It needs to be said that your companion may have to act as nurse if you end up in hospital.  It may be sensible to cover yourself and your partner in the event that you have to prolong your trip due to hospitalisation.